Coastal : A Susan Hall exhibition

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09 February to 11 April 2021

Opening: Delayed pending further notice.
Relevant Covid restrictions will apply.

Balanced between the tranquil and tempestuous moods of an ever changing coastline, the visual responses by local artist Susan Hall, reflect the adaptability of natural chromatic incidences, a symphony of shapes and a timeless blend of textures.

Incredibly varied and equally changing skies predict the moods of Susan’s coastal scenes. The horizontals of vast and bright, subdued and passive stretch along the dramas of the sea, often punctuated by sculptural vegetation and heightened with bird-life. Masterfully painted in oils and acrylics, Susan’s collection of paintings captures these wonderful changing scenes to preserve them as pure moments.

Included in her exhibition ‘COASTAL’ are a set of limited edition prints created from Susan’s collection of native plants which beckon her attention on her daily walks. A prolific artist, Susan infuses her individuality into each image, a hallmark of the printmaker’s expression in this remarkable and versatile art form.

With such a diverse range of delightful art works, there is no doubt any viewer will be transfixed by Susan’s ‘COASTAL’ exhibition.