WHAT THE FROCK? with Regina Dudek

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Date: 08 March 2020
Time: 10 am to 3.30 pm
Cost: $165 (BCAS members $160)
Skill level: All
(Includes all materials, tools, light lunch, tea and coffee)

Let Regina (aka The Mad Queen) share her knowledge of all things wire and metal. Create a “Frock” wall sculpture from recycled vintage pressed tin and wire mesh. Hand cut and rivet the bodice from tin and embellish the mesh skirt with hand cut flowers and “treasures” brought along from home. (Think old pieces of jewellery, beads, buttons etc.). Regina is well known for her sculptural frocks and she is good enough to share her secrets. Places are limited to 5 students. Be sure to bring an apron as things get messy!

Please book directly with Regina on 0400 531 027.


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