Archies Bald 2019 Prize winners

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The Bald and the Beautiful

The Inaugural Archies Bald Portrait Prize 2019

The criteria was set:

Create an artwork to capture a person bald through chemotherapy, alopecia, shaving, genes, just born or simply a vision of what someone might look like without hair. The original works will focus on a person or persons but may include inanimate objects, flora or fauna.

It was a bit unique – it was a bit silly – and so it did inspire over 100 artists to enter and over 250 community members to attend the Inaugural Archies Bald Portrait and Sculptural Exhibition hosted at Archies Creek Hall from 24 May to 26 May 2019.

As preview to the exhibition, also held at Archies Creek Hall, The Biggest Morning Tea was held on Thursday 23 May and hosted by Helen and John Laing.

The Opening of the Exhibition, held on Friday 24 May, was with MC’s John and Mary Mutsaers who were passionate and erudite about the gala event.

Guest speakers were also Vesna Devcic from the Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation and Andrea Jordan from the Cancer Council. They focused on support for people who are defenceless against their hair loss and deal on a personal level about appearance and self esteem. Celebrating baldness was one way of reducing the stigma and seeing the beauty.

While the quirkiness of the exhibition was embraced, it was humbled by the profound respect for those touched directly or indirectly by cancer. The major focus was inspired by the fight and courage of local well known and loved Deb Reilly who battled cancer.

In attendance were also Deb’s two sons, a credit to her. On behalf of his brother Ben and his grandmother Barbara, Dylan spoke courageously about Deb’s journey with cancer.  Silence reigned as a tribute video was played of Deb and the song she wrote ‘Come to me the Sea.’

Art judge Tony Hanning mentioned that on the way to the exhibition, he expected it to be just a humorous light hearted bit of a laugh. In contrast, however, he said he was blown away not only by the quality and serious standard of the artworks but by the amount of love the exhibition imbued.

Young artists were also entrants with their portraits, three of whom Tony presented a certificate and $50 each as ‘Young Achievers’ Award Winners.

‘Not Just Tarts’, run by Mez Oldham and Liane Arno, made an outstanding effort as usual with the catering for the Biggest Morning tea and The Opening night of the exhibition. A sumptuous array of homemade sweet and savoury delights was enjoyed by all.

Amongst the visual language of the artworks, music added to the atmosphere.  Solo Harp was performed by Robyn Mitchell at the Biggest Morning Tea as well as a segment during the opening. The band ‘KeaChange’ performed Old Time, American and Celtic based tunes and songs included fiddle, mandolin, guitar, banjo and double bass.

Courage, compassion, love and community support became the overriding spirit of both the Biggest Morning tea and the Archies Bald Exhibition.

Proceeds and donations went to The Cancer Council.

Our enormous gratitude goes also to Bass Coast Shire Council and Sponsors for their generosity and willing support.

Winners of the Archies Bald Portrait Prize:

First Prize 2D:  ‘Malcom Crichton’ by Phil Henshall (Sponsored by L.J Hooker)

First Prize 3D:  ‘Twice Fired’ by Ray Dahlstrom (Sponsored by Watersure)

Second Prize 2D: ‘Sam’ by Janice Orchard (Sponsored by Williams & Burns)

Second Prize 3D: ‘Archie Roach’ by Pat Wishart (Sponsored by Adverto)

Third Prize 2D:  ‘Sadly’ by Matt Stone (Sponsored by Kathy West)

Third Prize 3D:  ‘Sharmanic Figure’ by Meg Viney (Sponsored by Adapt Design)

People’s Choice 2D:  ‘Monkey in Repose’ by Shane Collier (Sponsored by Kip McGrath)

People’s Choice 3D:  ‘Embraced Diversity’ by Matt Stone (Sponsored by Kip McGrath)

The event was the collaboration between Archies Creek Public Hall Trust and Wonthaggi Community Gallery Inc. (ArtSpace gallery).

A special thanks to the committees and also in particular to Liane Arno for her vision and relentless drive to have this happen during May.

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